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Ladies Networking Tea
27th Annual Housing Matters Conference
Zermatt Midway, UT
August 28 - 30, 2023
Confirmed 2023 Sponsors
American Express National Bank
JP Moran Chase
Rocky Mountain CRC
Salt Lake County Housing & Community Development
Ally Bank
ej architecture, pllc
Key Bank
Morgan Stanley
The Richman Group
Utah Housing Corporation
Brown & Brown
Eide Baily
Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines
National Equity Fund
NewWest Community Capital
Sugar Creek Capital
Wells Fargo
Advantage Capital
Cowboy Properties
Harold Woodruff Architect/Planner
Kier Construction
Merrick Bank
Department of Workforce Services Housing Community Development
Optum Bank
Restore Utah
Salt Lake City Corporation, Housing Stability Division
Utah Non-Profit Housing Corp.
Western Region Nonprofit Housing Corp.
Winthrop & Weinstine
First Step House
Housing Utah
Lincoln Avenue Capital
Performance Real Estate Advisors
Preservation Fund
Revival Development Services
Sellers Management & Development Company
Zions Bank
Last Edited 08/18/2023
2023 Conference Agenda & Workshops
Schedule of Workshops Here
Keynote Speaker Opening Session Monday 3:00 pm

Leah Rothstein is co-authoring, with Richard Rothstein, a sequel to The Color of Law. While in The Color of Law, Mr. Rothstein described how government policy created residential segregation, the sequel will describe how local community groups can redress the wrongs of segregation. Leah has worked on public policy and community change, from the grassroots to the halls of government. She led the Alameda County and San Francisco probation departments’ research on reforming community corrections policy and practice to be focused on rehabilitation, not punishment. She has been a consultant to nonprofit housing developers, cities and counties, redevelopment agencies, and private firms on community development and affordable housing policy, practice, and finance. Her policy work is informed by her years as a community organizer with PUEBLO and Californians for Justice, working on housing, public safety, environmental justice, and youth leadership, and as a labor organizer with the Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE).

Leah received a Bachelor’s Degree with honors in American Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz and a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley.
TITLE: JUST ACTION: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law
AUTHOR: Richard Rothstein, Leah Rothstein
PAGES: 352
ISBN: 978-1-324-09324-4
Purchase her book, JUST ACTION: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law here
Opening Session Tuesday Morning
A Call to Action: Understanding National Data Trends to Solve Housing Challenges
Utah is seeing a historical rise in evictions. Join us for a discussion to understand why evictions are on the rise, who is being disproportionally impacted, barriers in Utah, and best practices from across the country.
Moderator: Angela Price, Policy Director, Salt Lake City Department of Community and Neighborhoods;
Panelists: Tim Thomas, Research Director, Urban Displacement Project; Jim Wood, Ivory-Boyer Senior Fellow, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute

Moderator Angela Price is a Policy Director for Salt Lake City’s Department of Community and Neighborhoods (CAN). Angela’s work for Salt Lake City provides her the opportunity to work on a myriad of policy issues both at a local and state level. She views cities in a holistic manner and works to build the nexus between land use, housing, transportation, and economic development while breaking down systemic inequities. She is driven by impact, collaboration, and inclusivity in her quest for more equitable communities.

Tim Thomas, assistant professor researcher at U.C. Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies, research director for U.C. Berkeley’s Urban Displacement Project, and training lead for the NIH-funded Computational Social Science Training Program at the Berkeley Institute of Data Science. I am also the director of the Eviction Research Network, a multi-University collaboration enumerating racial and gender disparities in eviction by collecting and mining court and sheriff records.
I am an urban sociologist, demographer, and data scientist researching the social, political, and economic drivers of racial, gender, and socio-economic stratification in housing and migration. My research program is centered around developing new tools to measure gentrification, displacement, and eviction. From 2017 to 2019 I was a postdoc at the University of Washington’s eScience Institute where I linked and analyzed HMIS and housing authority data. In 2019, I started the Evictions Study (now the Eviction Research Network) where my team and I used natural language processing to mine addresses from court records and estimate demographics, which provided empirical evidence for Washington State and Baltimore City to help pass several tenant protection laws. In 2020, I led a team at the Urban Displacement Project to map gentrification and displacement in several U.S. cities and also developed the Housing Precarity Risk Model (HPRM) to predict where households vulnerable to displacement and eviction were located due to the pandemic. This work helped to identify vulnerability within their cities, motivated the CDC’s eviction moratorium extension, and led to an invitation where I currently advise the White House’s Executive Office of the President, HUD, and the Treasury Department on eviction trends and rental assistance program. Other projects include writing reports on the effects of eviction on health and families by invitation from the National Academy of Sciences and developing machine learning prediction models on displacement risk using household level data. I am also leading a national eviction data collection to advance research on this topic by creating a panel dataset linked to administrative, health, and other individual level data. Finally, I provide training and mentorship at U.C. Berkeley in research and data science for graduate and undergraduate students.

James Wood is the Ivory-Boyer Senior Fellow at the Policy Institute. He specializes in several research areas including housing, construction, real estate and economic development. Wood has published over 100 articles and studies related to the Utah economy. This includes housing markets, community development, regional economics and economic development. Wood has conducted numerous studies on local housing market conditions and was the principal investigator on a sustainable communities grant through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. He was also the principal investigator on a two-year cost-benefit study of homeless participants in Utah’s Housing First Program. For 15 years, Wood directed a BEBR contract with the State of Utah for economic development research, which included the completion of thirteen industry-specific studies including Utah’s aerospace, natural resource, machinery and electronics industries and the machinery industry.
Wood is a member of the Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors and serves on the board of the Salt Lake Home Builders Association, the Salt Lake County Housing Trust Fund, NeighborWorks Salt Lake and is a member of the State of Utah Revenue Assumptions Working Group.
A graduate of the University of Utah with a B.S. in finance and four years of graduate study in economics, Wood joined the business school in 1975 and spent over 25 years as a researcher and senior research analyst. He served as director of the Bureau of Economic and Business Research from 2002 to 2015.
Lunch Session Tuesday Afternoon
The Washington Wire

Brent Parker is a partner in the Long Beach, California, office of Novogradac. Mr. Parker is experienced in affordable housing and community development, nonprofit organizations and public housing authorities, historic rehabilitation, and renewable energy. He has a particular focus on the low-income housing tax credit, investments in qualified opportunity funds, renewable energy tax credit, new markets tax credit and historic tax credit communities. In addition to providing various consulting and forecasting services, Mr. Parker leads extensive tax planning and tax return preparation engagements for a wide variety of clientele and works extensively on financial statement audits, reviews and agreed-upon procedures engagements. In response to growing demand, Mr. Parker has become a frequent presenter on opportunity zones panels and workshops in several states. He is also a contributor to the Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits and leads professional development training efforts on various complex taxation concepts. Mr. Parker received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Southern California and is a certified public accountant in California.